In-The-Box Living

Boxes-A Poem We TRAVEL in boxes We WORK in boxes We SLEEP in boxes We EAT in and out of boxes We PLAY in boxes We LEARN in boxes We PURCHASE goods in boxes We receive GIFTS in boxes We CLASSIFY things in boxes by naming and categorizing them We WATCH and LISTEN to technology in boxes all day Even when we PLAY with a ball, it’s usually in a box IS IT ANY WONDER We can’t Think, Feel, See, Imagine or Believe Out-Of-The-Box? By Daria M. Brezinski in Sacred Identity; A Poetry Book Read more [...]

Response to God in the Classroom

White Europeans did not discover America. According to archeological data, this country was founded LONG before historical records per the copper mines in Ohio dating back 6000 years as well as other sites across the US with artifacts dating back 10,000 years (see Archeology Magazine and American Archeology). The modern history of the invasion of American soil (and by that I mean, North America, South and Canada) was all about enterprise in one form or another not god. So 'discovery' Read more [...]